3d porncomics you’re friends with tina right ?you gotta help me!tina’s become a pornstar now and
she won’t listen to athing i say!
the last time i tried to stop her ,she completely embarrasssed me on flim.i can’t even browse brazzers anymore with out
seeing my own darn face in the thumbnails!
please mila!!i’m beggin ya!!
become my tag team pornstar partner so we can bring back my baby girl!!!
i’ll teach you everything you need yo know!i’ll do anything !just…..please!!!!
U-UHH S-SURE!! LET’S JUST GO …somewhere with a bit more privacy first!!!
[i-is this really happening?is Mr.strong and going to./…..
oh mila…..
you’ve got one sweet ass.
i-is this position okey..?
]that’s perfect mila..i’m gonna do it in your butthole now so i don’t getchu pegnant okey?
[oh god ,i’ve been so mbacked up without brazzers.my cooks about to explode any second!i’m sorry mila,but i really gotta
do this..!!!]
M–Mr strong!!!! w-why is it so thick?!?!
Ahhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!
Ahhhh!!bare with me mila!it’ll feel good soon!!!!