Attack on Titan : the popular manga series

“Attack on Titan” is a popular manga series created by Hajime Isayama. The story is set in a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction due to the existence of giant humanoid creatures known as Titans. The manga was serialized from September 2009 to April 2021 and has gained immense popularity worldwide for its intense storytelling, complex characters, and captivating plot twists.

The series follows the protagonist Eren Yeager, his adoptive sister Mikasa Ackerman, and their childhood friend Armin Arlert. They live in a walled city called Paradis, which is the last bastion of humanity against the Titans. These massive creatures, ranging in height from 3 to 15 meters, devour humans seemingly without reason or remorse. The people of Paradis have been confined within the walls for a century, leading to an atmosphere of fear, mystery, and a longing for freedom.

The initial story arc focuses on the sudden appearance of a colossal Titan that breaches Wall Maria, the outermost wall protecting Paradis. This event leads to chaos and the death of many citizens, including Eren’s mother. Fueled by a desire for revenge and a determination to eradicate the Titans, Eren joins the military to become a member of the elite Scout Regiment.

As the story progresses, the mysteries surrounding the Titans deepen. Eren discovers that he possesses the ability to transform into a Titan himself, a power that is inherited through his bloodline. This revelation sets in motion a series of events that reveal the true nature of the Titans and the history of humanity.

“Attack on Titan” explores themes such as survival, identity, and the consequences of warfare. It delves into the moral complexities of humanity and the lengths people will go to protect their own. The manga features intense and visceral action sequences, showcasing the battles between the human soldiers and the Titans.

Throughout its run, “Attack on Titan” received critical acclaim for its storytelling and character development. It garnered a massive fan following, both in Japan and internationally, leading to adaptations in various media forms, including an anime series, films, and video games.

The manga concluded in April 2021 after 139 chapters, bringing the epic story to a dramatic and emotional finale. Without spoiling the ending, it’s safe to say that “Attack on Titan” provided a thought-provoking and satisfying conclusion to its intricate narrative, leaving a lasting impact on its readers.

Overall, “Attack on Titan” is a gripping and intense manga series that combines elements of action, horror, and mystery. It has captivated audiences worldwide with its rich world-building, complex characters, and a story that explores profound themes.



“Attack on Titan” features a wide range of memorable and well-developed characters. Choosing the top 10 best characters is subjective, but here are ten notable characters and why they have made a significant impact on the series:

  1. Eren Yeager: As the main protagonist, Eren undergoes significant character development throughout the story. He starts as a determined and hot-headed individual driven by revenge, but as the series progresses, his motivations and beliefs become more complex. Eren’s transformation into a multi-dimensional character, torn between his duty and his personal desires, makes him compelling and central to the story.
  2. Mikasa Ackerman: Mikasa is Eren’s adoptive sister and a skilled fighter. She is fiercely loyal to Eren, willing to protect him at any cost. Mikasa’s stoic demeanor hides her deep emotions, and her unwavering dedication to Eren often leads to profound moments of character growth and internal conflict.
  3. Levi Ackerman: Levi is the captain of the elite Scout Regiment and known as humanity’s strongest soldier. He is a skilled fighter and has a no-nonsense attitude. Levi’s tactical prowess and no-holds-barred approach to combat make him a fan favorite. His interactions with other characters, particularly Eren and Erwin, reveal a complex personality and moral compass.
  4. Armin Arlert: Armin is Eren’s childhood friend and a strategic thinker. While initially portrayed as timid, Armin possesses a brilliant mind and often provides crucial insights and plans. He undergoes a significant transformation as he faces the horrors of the Titans and the harsh realities of the world. Armin’s intelligence and his growth as a leader make him an integral part of the story.
  5. Erwin Smith: Erwin serves as the charismatic and ambitious commander of the Scout Regiment. He is driven by his desire to uncover the truth about the Titans and lead humanity to victory. Erwin’s strategic thinking, determination, and sacrifices make him a compelling character, and his leadership inspires those around him.
  6. Historia Reiss: Historia, also known as Krista Lenz, starts as a seemingly fragile and innocent character. However, her true identity and her journey of self-discovery play a crucial role in the narrative. Historia’s growth and her connection to the overarching story add depth and emotional weight to her character.
  7. Sasha Blouse: Sasha, also known as “Potato Girl,” brings moments of levity to the intense world of “Attack on Titan.” Her love for food and her comedic timing make her endearing. However, Sasha’s growth as a soldier and her determination to protect her comrades showcase her bravery and resilience.
  8. Reiner Braun: Reiner is initially introduced as a close friend of Eren and a member of the Scout Regiment. However, his true identity and his role in the narrative unveil layers of complexity. Reiner’s internal conflict and the moral ambiguity surrounding his actions make him a compelling and tragic character.
  9. Zeke Yeager: Zeke is Eren’s half-brother and a key figure in the series. He possesses a unique perspective on the world and the Titans. Zeke’s complex motivations, his interactions with other characters, and his enigmatic nature make him a character of intrigue.
  10. Hange Zoë: Hange is a member of the Scout Regiment known for their enthusiasm and obsession with Titans. Their eccentricity and dedication to studying and understanding the Titans bring a unique energy to the series. Hange’s intelligence and curiosity drive important plot developments and add depth to the story.

Each of these characters contributes to the rich tapestry of “Attack on Titan,” bringing their own motivations, struggles, and growth. Their interactions and individual journeys create a captivating narrative that has resonated with fans worldwide.


Here’s an elaborated story set in the world of “Attack on Titan”:

The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is on the verge of extinction due to the threat of colossal humanoid creatures known as Titans. The remnants of humanity have taken refuge within three massive concentric walls: Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina.

The protagonist, Eren Yeager, lives in the outermost district of Wall Maria. Eren dreams of exploring the world beyond the walls and despises the Titans for their relentless destruction. Alongside his adoptive sister Mikasa Ackerman and their friend Armin Arlert, Eren enlists in the military’s Scout Regiment, an elite group tasked with venturing outside the walls to combat the Titans.

During their first expedition beyond Wall Maria, tragedy strikes when a colossal Titan breaches the wall, allowing smaller Titans to infiltrate the city. Chaos ensues as Eren witnesses the death of his mother at the hands of a Titan. Consumed by grief and fueled by a desire for revenge, Eren swears to eradicate every last Titan.

As Eren trains within the military, he discovers a unique ability: the power to transform into a Titan himself. This revelation shocks both his comrades and his superiors, as it reveals a connection between Eren and the Titans that remains shrouded in mystery.

The story delves into the political landscape of Paradis, the city within Wall Sina, where corrupt authorities and hidden agendas threaten the fragile balance of power. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin find themselves entangled in a web of intrigue, struggling to uncover the truth behind the Titans and their origins.

The trio’s journey leads them to encounter various factions within Paradis, each with their own ideologies and objectives. They cross paths with Commander Erwin Smith, a charismatic leader of the Scout Regiment determined to uncover the truth about the Titans. Together, they navigate treacherous territory, facing both human and Titan adversaries.

As the story unfolds, Eren’s Titan powers become a source of both hope and fear for humanity. His abilities attract the attention of a secret organization known as the “Eldian Restorationists,” who seek to restore the power of the Eldian Empire and overthrow the oppressive Marley government.

The narrative escalates into a battle for survival, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. The true nature of the Titans, the history of Paradis, and the secrets hidden within the walls are gradually unveiled, challenging everything Eren, Mikasa, and Armin believed to be true.

The story explores themes of sacrifice, identity, and the consequences of war. It raises profound questions about the nature of humanity, morality, and the lengths people are willing to go to protect their loved ones.

As the protagonists face unimaginable horrors and heartbreaking revelations, alliances are tested, and unexpected alliances are formed. The story culminates in a climactic confrontation, where the fate of both humanity and the Titans will be determined.

Throughout the story, “Attack on Titan” balances intense action sequences with moments of introspection, delving into the psychological toll of living in a world plagued by Titans. It challenges the characters to confront their fears, confront their past, and fight for a future free from the Titans’ grasp.

In the end, “Attack on Titan” delivers a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant story that explores the depths of human strength, the complexities of morality, and the power of hope in the face of despair.


“Attack on Titan” comics became popular for several reasons:

  1. Engaging Storytelling: The manga series features a gripping and intricate narrative that hooks readers from the start. It combines elements of action, horror, and mystery, creating a compelling and suspenseful storyline. The plot is filled with unexpected twists, shocking revelations, and intense battles, keeping readers eagerly turning the pages.
  2. Complex Characters: The characters in “Attack on Titan” are multi-dimensional and undergo significant development throughout the story. They face moral dilemmas, personal struggles, and internal conflicts, making them relatable and intriguing. The depth and growth of the characters allow readers to form strong emotional connections, investing them in the story.
  3. Unique and Original Concept: The concept of Titans, massive humanoid creatures devouring humanity, captured the imagination of readers. The post-apocalyptic setting, where humanity is confined within walled cities and constantly threatened by Titans, provided a fresh take on the genre. The series explores the mysteries surrounding the Titans, their origin, and their connection to the human characters, creating a captivating and unique world.
  4. Emotional Depth: “Attack on Titan” delves into the human psyche, exploring themes of survival, loss, trauma, and the complexities of morality. The series evokes a range of emotions, from heart-pounding action and suspense to poignant and heartbreaking moments. It confronts ethical dilemmas and raises thought-provoking questions, leaving a lasting impact on readers.
  5. Artistic Excellence: The artwork in “Attack on Titan” is highly detailed and visually stunning. The illustrations effectively convey the intensity of the action sequences, the terror of the Titans, and the emotional depth of the characters. The visual storytelling enhances the reading experience and contributes to the overall popularity of the series.
  6. International Appeal: “Attack on Titan” gained widespread popularity not only in Japan but also internationally. Its complex themes, relatable characters, and compelling narrative transcended cultural barriers, resonating with readers from various backgrounds. The manga’s success led to adaptations in different media formats, including an anime series that further expanded its global reach.
  7. Social Commentary: The series touches upon social and political issues, reflecting aspects of the real world. It explores themes of power, discrimination, corruption, and the consequences of war. This social commentary adds depth and relevance to the story, making it more than just a typical action-packed manga.
  8. Word-of-Mouth and Fan Community: “Attack on Titan” garnered a dedicated fanbase that actively promoted the series through word-of-mouth recommendations, online discussions, and fan-created content. The passionate community surrounding the series contributed to its popularity, further fueling its success.

Overall, the combination of a compelling storyline, complex characters, unique concept, emotional depth, and artistic excellence has contributed to the popularity of “Attack on Titan” comics. Its ability to captivate readers with its intense and thought-provoking narrative has made it a standout series in the manga industry.

Here are 10 facts about the “Attack on Titan” comics:

  1. Creator: “Attack on Titan” was created by Hajime Isayama, a Japanese manga artist. Isayama developed the story and illustrations for the series, which made its debut in September 2009.
  2. Serialized in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine: The manga was initially serialized in the monthly manga magazine Bessatsu Shonen Magazine, published by Kodansha. It later moved to the weekly publication Weekly Shonen Magazine.
  3. Total Chapters: The manga consists of 139 chapters in total. It concluded with its final chapter, “Towards the Tree on That Hill,” released in April 2021.
  4. Volumes: The series is collected into 34 tankōbon volumes. The volumes typically include multiple chapters and additional content such as bonus illustrations and author’s notes.
  5. International Success: “Attack on Titan” gained significant popularity both in Japan and internationally. It has been translated into numerous languages, allowing fans from around the world to enjoy the series.
  6. Sales and Records: The manga has achieved remarkable sales figures. As of 2021, “Attack on Titan” has sold over 100 million copies worldwide. It has set records, becoming one of the best-selling manga series of all time.
  7. Anime Adaptation: The popularity of the manga led to the production of an anime adaptation. The anime series premiered in 2013 and ran for four seasons, captivating audiences with its faithful adaptation of the story and its stunning animation.
  8. Live-Action Films: “Attack on Titan” also received live-action film adaptations. The two-part film series, released in 2015, brought the intense battles against the Titans to the big screen, although it diverged from the manga’s storyline.
  9. Video Games: The franchise has been adapted into several video games, allowing fans to experience the world of “Attack on Titan” through interactive gameplay. These games often feature exhilarating combat mechanics and recreate the intense battles against the Titans.
  10. Cultural Impact: “Attack on Titan” has left a significant cultural impact, inspiring cosplay, fan art, merchandise, and fan theories. It has garnered a dedicated fanbase and has become a recognizable name in the realm of manga and anime, influencing subsequent works in the genre.

These facts highlight the immense success and widespread recognition achieved by “Attack on Titan” comics. The series has left an indelible mark on the manga industry and has captured the hearts of fans worldwide.

People are drawn to the “Attack on Titan” animation for several reasons:

  1. Visual Spectacle: The animation brings the world of “Attack on Titan” to life with stunning visuals and dynamic action sequences. The intense battles between humans and Titans, the vertical maneuvering gear used by the characters, and the towering and terrifying Titans themselves are visually captivating and create a sense of spectacle that appeals to viewers.
  2. Immersive Storytelling: The animation effectively conveys the gripping and complex narrative of “Attack on Titan.” The combination of well-paced storytelling, strong character development, and emotional depth translates seamlessly into the animated format, drawing viewers into the world and keeping them engaged throughout the series.
  3. Cinematic Presentation: The animation of “Attack on Titan” often employs cinematic techniques such as dramatic camera angles, dynamic movements, and atmospheric lighting to enhance the storytelling. These techniques create a visually immersive experience, reminiscent of a live-action film, that heightens the impact of the story’s dramatic moments.
  4. Sound Design: The audio elements of the animation, including the voice acting, sound effects, and music, contribute to the overall appeal. The powerful and emotive performances of the voice cast, along with the impactful sound effects and a compelling musical score, enhance the viewing experience and add depth to the story’s emotional moments.
  5. Action and Suspense: “Attack on Titan” animation excels in capturing the intense action and suspense of the manga. The fast-paced combat scenes, the characters’ daring maneuvers, and the relentless battles against the Titans create a sense of adrenaline and keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to see what happens next.
  6. Character Dynamics and Relationships: The animation effectively portrays the complex relationships and dynamics between the characters. From the camaraderie and friendship between Eren, Mikasa, and Armin to the conflicts and alliances that develop throughout the series, the animation brings these interactions to life, allowing viewers to connect with the characters on a deeper level.
  7. World-Building: The animation showcases the vast and immersive world of “Attack on Titan” in great detail. The towering walls, the contrasting landscapes, and the intricate design of the Titans and the city of Paradis are visually realized, helping viewers to fully immerse themselves in the story’s setting and lore.
  8. Emotional Impact: The animation of “Attack on Titan” effectively captures the emotional weight of the story. The series explores themes of loss, survival, and the human condition, and the animation brings these emotions to the forefront, evoking strong responses from viewers and creating a lasting impact.
  9. International Appeal: The popularity of the anime adaptation has helped “Attack on Titan” gain international recognition. The availability of subtitles and dubbing in multiple languages has allowed viewers from different cultures and backgrounds to connect with the series, contributing to its widespread appeal.
  10. Word-of-Mouth and Fan Community: The animation has garnered a dedicated fanbase that actively promotes the series through word-of-mouth recommendations and online discussions. The passionate community surrounding the anime has helped generate further interest and curiosity among new viewers, driving the popularity of “Attack on Titan” animation.

Overall, the animation of “Attack on Titan” offers a visually striking and emotionally charged experience, effectively bringing the captivating story and its compelling characters to life.

“Attack on Titan” has had several intense and shocking moments throughout its story that pushed boundaries and left a lasting impact on viewers. Here are ten instances where “Attack on Titan” went too far in terms of its dark and intense content:

  1. Eren’s Mother’s Death: In the very first episode, viewers witness the brutal death of Eren’s mother at the hands of a Titan. This scene sets the tone for the series, showcasing the harsh reality and brutal nature of the world the characters inhabit.
  2. The Battle of Trost: During the Battle of Trost, the Titans breach Wall Rose, leading to a desperate fight for survival. The chaotic and brutal nature of the battle, with multiple characters being killed or eaten by Titans, showcases the series’ unrelenting violence.
  3. Levi vs. Female Titan: In an intense battle, Levi and his squad engage the Female Titan in an attempt to capture her. The battle is filled with fast-paced action and graphic violence, pushing the boundaries of what viewers may have expected.
  4. The Reveal of Titans Within the Walls: As the series progresses, it is revealed that there are Titans hiding within the walls that protect humanity. This shocking revelation adds a new layer of horror to the story and raises questions about the true nature of the world.
  5. Erwin’s Sacrifice: In a pivotal moment during the Battle of Shiganshina, Commander Erwin Smith makes a selfless decision to sacrifice himself, leading his soldiers on a suicidal charge to distract the Titans. The scene showcases the extreme lengths characters are willing to go to achieve their goals.
  6. The Uprising Arc Torture Scene: In the Uprising Arc, one of the main characters, Eren, is captured and subjected to brutal torture, both physically and psychologically. This scene is disturbing and showcases the dark and cruel aspects of the story.
  7. The Marley Arc Revelations: In the Marley Arc, the series takes a significant shift in perspective, revealing the truth about the world beyond Paradis Island. The story explores themes of racism, discrimination, and the consequences of war, highlighting the disturbing realities of the broader conflict.
  8. The Rumbling: The climax of the series features the activation of the Rumbling, where colossal Titans are unleashed to trample the outside world. The destruction and loss of life depicted in these scenes are overwhelming and showcase the devastating consequences of the characters’ actions.
  9. Zeke’s Euthanasia Plan: Zeke Yeager’s plan to euthanize the Eldian race and end their suffering by sterilizing all Eldians pushes ethical boundaries and explores the complexities of morality and the value of life.
  10. Eren’s Transformation and Actions: As the series progresses, Eren’s transformation and his choices become increasingly morally ambiguous and controversial. His willingness to sacrifice innocent lives and manipulate others for his goals raises uncomfortable questions about the nature of heroism and the extent of one’s responsibility.

These moments showcase “Attack on Titan’s” willingness to explore dark themes, depict graphic violence, and challenge viewers’ expectations, leaving a lasting impact and generating discussions about the series’ boundaries and narrative choices.