A Brief of ONE PIECE COMICS – Top Rated Comics

“One Piece” is a long-running and highly acclaimed manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has also been adapted into an anime series, films, and various merchandise. “One Piece” first debuted in July 1997 and has since become one of the most popular and best-selling manga series of all time.

The story of “One Piece” takes place in a world of oceans, islands, and pirates. The protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, is a young boy who dreams of becoming the Pirate King. Luffy’s goal is to find the legendary treasure known as the One Piece, left behind by the former Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Luffy sets out on an adventure to assemble a crew, known as the Straw Hat Pirates, and sail the Grand Line, a dangerous and mysterious sea that holds many secrets and challenges.

Throughout their journey, Luffy and his crew encounter numerous other pirates, marine forces, and various other factions while also exploring different islands and confronting powerful adversaries. The series is known for its intricate world-building, compelling characters, intense action, and a gripping overarching storyline.

The characters in “One Piece” are diverse and memorable, each with their own unique personalities and abilities. Luffy possesses the power of the Gum-Gum Fruit, which gives him a rubber-like body and allows him to stretch his limbs. His crewmates include Zoro, a skilled swordsman; Nami, a talented navigator and thief; Usopp, a sniper and master of deception; Sanji, a master chef and expert fighter; Chopper, a reindeer with the ability to transform into a human-like form; Robin, an archaeologist with a dark past; Franky, a cyborg shipwright; Brook, a musician and swordsman with a skeleton body; and Jinbe, a fish-man and former captain of the Sun Pirates.

“One Piece” is known for its intricate and interconnected plotlines, engaging character backstories, and epic battles. The series explores themes such as friendship, dreams, morality, sacrifice, and the pursuit of freedom. It seamlessly combines comedy, adventure, drama, and emotional moments, making it appealing to a wide range of audiences.

Eiichiro Oda’s art style in “One Piece” is distinctive, characterized by exaggerated character designs, vibrant and detailed environments, and dynamic action sequences. The manga has received critical acclaim for its consistent quality and storytelling, and it has broken numerous records, including holding the Guinness World Record for the “Most Copies Published for the Same Comic Book Series by a Single Author.”

“One Piece” has amassed a massive fan base worldwide and has had a significant cultural impact. Its popularity extends beyond manga and anime, with a wide range of merchandise, video games, and even theme park attractions based on the series. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the manga is still ongoing, and the anime adaptation has aired over 1000 episodes, with plans for future releases.

Overall, “One Piece” is a beloved and influential manga series that has captivated audiences with its rich storytelling, fascinating world, and memorable characters, making it a cornerstone of the anime and manga industry.


“One Piece” boasts a diverse and memorable cast of characters. Here are some of the best characters in the series and why they are highly regarded:

  1. Monkey D. Luffy: Luffy is the protagonist and captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is known for his unwavering determination, optimistic personality, and his ability to inspire and rally those around him. Luffy’s simplistic worldview and his relentless pursuit of his dream to become the Pirate King make him a beloved and relatable character.
  2. Roronoa Zoro: Zoro is the swordsman of the crew and Luffy’s first mate. He is admired for his incredible strength, dedication to his craft, and his strict adherence to his personal code of honor. Zoro’s unwavering loyalty to his friends and his commitment to becoming the world’s greatest swordsman make him a fan favorite.
  3. Nami: Nami is the navigator of the crew, known for her exceptional navigational skills and her resourcefulness. She initially joins the crew for her own goals but eventually develops a deep bond with her fellow Straw Hat Pirates. Nami’s intelligence, strong will, and growth as a character make her a beloved member of the crew.
  4. Sanji: Sanji is the chef of the Straw Hat Pirates and an expert in martial arts. He is admired for his chivalry, culinary skills, and unwavering loyalty to his crewmates. Sanji’s complex backstory, his role as the crew’s strategist, and his constant struggle to balance his principles and desires make him a compelling character.
  5. Tony Tony Chopper: Chopper is a reindeer who ate the Human-Human Fruit, granting him the ability to transform into a human. He is the crew’s doctor and is known for his cuteness, innocence, and strong sense of justice. Chopper’s kind-hearted nature and his journey to accept himself as both a human and a reindeer resonate with readers.
  6. Nico Robin: Robin is an archaeologist with a dark past, known as the “Devil Child” due to her unique abilities. She joins the Straw Hat Pirates and becomes an integral member of the crew. Robin’s intelligence, calm demeanor, and complex history as a former assassin make her a fascinating and enigmatic character.
  7. Usopp: Usopp is the sniper and storyteller of the crew. He is known for his overactive imagination and tendency to exaggerate. Despite his cowardly nature, Usopp’s growth as a character, his skills as a marksman, and his unwavering loyalty to his friends make him a beloved member of the crew.
  8. Franky: Franky is a cyborg shipwright and carpenter who joins the crew. He is known for his flamboyant personality, mechanical expertise, and his ability to transform his body into various weapons. Franky’s unique design, his loyalty to his friends, and his role as the crew’s shipbuilder make him a standout character.
  9. Brook: Brook is a musician and swordsman who joined the Straw Hat Pirates after his resurrection as a living skeleton. He is known for his charisma, humor, and his soulful music. Brook’s tragic past, his unwavering spirit, and his dedication to his crewmates make him a beloved and entertaining character.
  10. Portgas D. Ace: Ace is the older brother of Luffy and a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates. He is admired for his strength, sense of justice, and his fiery personality. Ace’s tragic fate and his strong bond with Luffy make him a fan-favorite character, leaving a lasting impact on the series.

These characters, among many others in “One Piece,” are beloved by fans due to their distinct personalities, complex backstories,


The story of “One Piece” follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young and energetic pirate with a dream of finding the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, and becoming the Pirate King. Luffy sets sail on his journey after eating the Gum-Gum Fruit, which gives him the ability to stretch his body like rubber but also renders him unable to swim.

Luffy starts by assembling a crew of loyal and diverse individuals who share his dreams and ambitions. Together, they form the Straw Hat Pirates. Luffy’s first mate is Roronoa Zoro, a skilled swordsman aiming to become the greatest swordsman in the world. They are joined by Nami, a talented navigator with a knack for thievery, and Usopp, a sniper and skilled storyteller. Throughout their journey, they recruit additional crew members, including Sanji, a master chef with incredible fighting skills; Tony Tony Chopper, a reindeer who can transform into a human and has consumed the Human-Human Fruit; Nico Robin, an archaeologist with a dark past; Franky, a cyborg shipwright; Brook, a musician and swordsman who is also a living skeleton, and Jinbe, a powerful fish-man.

The Straw Hat Pirates sail through the vast and dangerous Grand Line, a treacherous sea filled with unpredictable weather, powerful pirates, and mythical creatures. Along the way, they encounter various islands, each with its own unique culture, challenges, and conflicts. They face off against formidable adversaries, including the Marines, a powerful military force, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a group of pirates who are allied with the World Government.

One of the central plotlines of “One Piece” revolves around the search for the Poneglyphs, ancient stone tablets scattered throughout the world that contain the lost history of the world. The true history and the significance of the Poneglyphs are shrouded in mystery and play a vital role in understanding the world’s secrets.

The series delves into the personal backstories of the main characters, exploring their pasts, motivations, and dreams. Luffy and his crew forge deep bonds of friendship and camaraderie, and they fiercely protect and support each other throughout their journey. The story also touches upon themes of justice, morality, power, and the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Throughout the series, Luffy and his crew encounter other notorious pirates, including the Four Emperors, the most powerful and feared pirates in the world, and members of the Revolutionary Army, a group seeking to overthrow the World Government. They engage in epic battles, showcasing their unique abilities and strategies, as they strive to achieve their individual goals while navigating the ever-changing landscape of the pirate world.

“One Piece” is known for its intricate and interconnected plotlines, captivating character development, and the sense of adventure and exploration it evokes. It combines action, humor, drama, and emotional moments, creating a compelling narrative that has captivated millions of fans worldwide.

As the story progresses, Luffy’s journey becomes more intertwined with the larger events shaping the world, leading to epic confrontations, surprising revelations, and the unfolding of the grand mysteries that surround the One Piece and the true history of the world.

Please note that as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the “One Piece” story is still ongoing, and new developments may have occurred beyond that point.


“One Piece” has become popular for several reasons, contributing to its immense success and widespread acclaim. Here are some key factors that have contributed to the popularity of the series:

  1. Engaging Storytelling: “One Piece” features a rich and captivating storyline that blends adventure, humor, drama, and emotional moments. The series keeps readers invested with its intricate plotlines, surprising twists, and a grand overarching narrative that unfolds gradually over time. The story explores themes of friendship, loyalty, dreams, and personal growth, resonating with audiences of all ages.
  2. Unique and Memorable Characters: The diverse cast of characters in “One Piece” is one of its greatest strengths. Each character has a distinct personality, backstory, and set of abilities, making them memorable and relatable to fans. The interactions and relationships among the characters, along with their personal goals and aspirations, create a strong emotional connection with the audience.
  3. Intricate World-Building: Eiichiro Oda has crafted a vast and immersive world in “One Piece.” The series features a detailed and interconnected world filled with diverse islands, cultures, and societies. The intricate world-building, complete with its own history, mythologies, and power structures, adds depth and complexity to the story, keeping readers engaged and eager to explore more.
  4. Sense of Adventure: “One Piece” embodies the spirit of adventure and exploration. The Straw Hat Pirates’ journey through the vast oceans, encountering new islands, treasures, and adversaries, creates a sense of excitement and discovery. The series captures the thrill of venturing into the unknown and the joy of overcoming challenges, appealing to the imagination and sense of wonder of its audience.
  5. Consistent Quality and Longevity: “One Piece” has maintained a high level of quality throughout its long serialization. Eiichiro Oda’s meticulous storytelling, attention to detail, and consistent artwork have earned the trust and loyalty of fans. The series has been ongoing for over two decades, allowing readers to become deeply invested in the characters and the overarching story.
  6. Themes of Freedom and Dreams: “One Piece” explores the themes of freedom and pursuing one’s dreams, resonating with people from various backgrounds. The idea of breaking free from societal constraints, following one’s passions, and striving for a better world strikes a chord with readers and inspires them to chase their own dreams and aspirations.
  7. Emotional Impact: “One Piece” has the ability to evoke a wide range of emotions in its readers. From comedic moments that induce laughter to heartwarming interactions and tragic backstories that bring tears, the series has a knack for creating emotional connections. It tackles serious themes and addresses the complexities of human nature, leaving a lasting impact on its audience.
  8. Cultural Impact and Global Appeal: “One Piece” has transcended borders and gained popularity worldwide. Its relatable characters, universal themes, and engaging storytelling have attracted fans from diverse cultures and age groups. The series has also inspired fan communities, cosplay events, conventions, and merchandise, further solidifying its cultural impact.

These factors, along with the dedication and passion of its creator Eiichiro Oda, have contributed to the remarkable popularity and enduring success of “One Piece” as a manga and anime series.


Here are ten interesting facts about the “One Piece” manga series:

  1. Record-Breaking Serialization: “One Piece” holds the record for the highest initial print run of any manga series in history. In 2010, the 60th volume of the series had an initial print run of 3.8 million copies in Japan.
  2. Best-Selling Manga Series: With over 480 million copies in circulation worldwide, “One Piece” is one of the best-selling manga series of all time. It consistently ranks among the top-selling manga in Japan and has gained a massive international following.
  3. Author’s Dedication: Eiichiro Oda, the creator of “One Piece,” is known for his incredible work ethic. Oda rarely takes breaks and is famous for his intense work schedule, often working over 20 hours a day to maintain the series’ weekly serialization.
  4. Longevity and Episode Count: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the “One Piece” manga has been serialized for over two decades since its debut in 1997. The anime adaptation has aired over 1000 episodes, making it one of the longest-running anime series in history.
  5. World Record for Comic Book Series by a Single Author: Eiichiro Oda holds the Guinness World Record for the “Most Copies Published for the Same Comic Book Series by a Single Author.” The record was set in 2015, with over 320 million copies of “One Piece” published worldwide.
  6. Cultural Impact: “One Piece” has become a cultural phenomenon in Japan and beyond. It has influenced various forms of media, including video games, merchandise, theme park attractions, and even a kabuki adaptation titled “One Piece Kabuki: The Adventure of Nebulandia.”
  7. Oda’s Artistic Style: Eiichiro Oda’s art style is distinctive and easily recognizable. He employs exaggerated character designs, expressive facial expressions, and dynamic action sequences that contribute to the series’ unique visual appeal.
  8. Award-Winning Series: “One Piece” has received numerous awards and accolades throughout its publication. It has been recognized for its storytelling, art, and impact on the manga industry. Notably, it won the 41st Japan Cartoonist Award for the manga division in 2012.
  9. Ongoing Storyline: Despite its long serialization, “One Piece” maintains a consistent and cohesive storyline. Eiichiro Oda carefully plans and connects various plotlines, allowing for seamless continuity and gradual development of the overarching narrative.
  10. International Fanbase: “One Piece” enjoys a dedicated and passionate fanbase worldwide. It has been translated into multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, and more. Fans engage in discussions, create fan art, cosplay as their favorite characters, and participate in conventions and events dedicated to the series.

These facts highlight the remarkable success, influence, and enduring popularity of the “One Piece” manga series, cementing its status as a beloved and iconic franchise in the anime and manga world.


People are drawn to “One Piece” for a variety of reasons, which contribute to its enduring popularity. Here are some key factors that attract fans to the series:

  1. Engaging and Immersive World: “One Piece” offers a vast and immersive world that captivates readers. The detailed and interconnected setting, with its diverse islands, unique cultures, and rich history, sparks curiosity and a sense of adventure. Fans enjoy exploring the various locations and uncovering the mysteries and secrets hidden within the world.
  2. Compelling Characters: The series boasts a large cast of dynamic and well-developed characters. Each character has their own distinctive personality, backstory, and goals, which make them relatable and endearing to fans. The strong characterizations and relationships within the story create a deep emotional connection between readers and the characters.
  3. Epic and Emotional Storytelling: “One Piece” weaves an epic narrative filled with exciting battles, unexpected plot twists, and emotional moments. The series balances humor, action, drama, and heartfelt interactions, evoking a wide range of emotions from its audience. The storytelling effectively engages readers and keeps them invested in the fates of the characters.
  4. Themes of Friendship and Camaraderie: The value placed on friendship and camaraderie in “One Piece” resonates strongly with fans. The bond between the crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates is a central aspect of the series, highlighting the power of loyalty, trust, and support. The themes of unity and shared goals resonate with readers and inspire a sense of community.
  5. Exploration of Dreams and Personal Growth: “One Piece” explores the theme of pursuing dreams and overcoming obstacles to achieve them. The characters’ aspirations and their personal growth throughout the series inspire readers to reflect on their own dreams and strive for self-improvement. The message that anyone can achieve their dreams with determination and hard work resonates with fans.
  6. Sense of Adventure and Discovery: The sense of adventure and discovery in “One Piece” appeals to fans’ desire for escapism and exploration. The protagonists’ journey through uncharted territories, encountering new islands, treasures, and challenges, creates an exhilarating and immersive experience for readers. The series captures the thrill of the unknown and fuels readers’ imagination.
  7. Complex World-Building and Mythology: The intricate world-building and mythology of “One Piece” fascinate fans. The series introduces unique concepts, historical events, and fantastical elements that contribute to the depth and complexity of the narrative. Fans enjoy delving into the lore of the world and piecing together the intricate puzzle of its history.
  8. Longevity and Consistency: The fact that “One Piece” has been serialized for over two decades demonstrates its enduring quality and consistency. Fans appreciate the dedication and commitment of the author, Eiichiro Oda, in maintaining the series’ high standards. The ongoing nature of the story allows readers to follow the characters’ development and engage in long-term storytelling.

These factors, combined with the creativity, humor, and overall entertainment value of the series, contribute to the widespread appeal and popularity of “One Piece” among fans worldwide.


While “One Piece” is generally known for its lighthearted and comedic tone, there have been instances where the series has pushed boundaries or explored darker themes. Here are ten moments in “One Piece” that some fans may consider as instances where the series went “too far” in terms of content or tone:

  1. Nico Robin’s Backstory: Nico Robin’s tragic backstory, which involves the destruction of her homeland and the genocide of her people, explores dark themes of war, betrayal, and loss. The intensity and brutality of these events may be considered as pushing the boundaries for some readers.
  2. The Thriller Bark Arc: This arc introduces the character of Gecko Moria, who uses the power of shadows to create zombies and engages in morally questionable practices. Some scenes within this arc may be seen as unsettling or dark, including moments of body horror and manipulation.
  3. The Sabaody Archipelago Arc: The arc features the human auction house, where people are treated as commodities. The concept of slavery and the mistreatment of slaves are addressed, which can be uncomfortable for some readers.
  4. The Impel Down Arc: Impel Down is a maximum-security prison known for its brutal conditions and sadistic guards. The arc showcases intense and violent battles, as well as torture and punishment of prisoners.
  5. The Dressrosa Arc: This arc delves into the corruption and tyranny of the country Dressrosa, with themes of slavery, child abuse, and exploitation. The arc also includes a gladiatorial arena where fighters are forced to fight to the death.
  6. Pudding’s Betrayal: The revelation of Pudding’s true intentions and her manipulation of Sanji’s emotions can be seen as emotionally manipulative and cruel, pushing the boundaries of trust and betrayal.
  7. Big Mom’s Cannibalism: The character Big Mom has a history of consuming her family members, and her cannibalistic tendencies are explored in the series. This concept can be seen as disturbing or unsettling.
  8. Kaido’s Suicide Attempts: The character Kaido is depicted as someone who constantly attempts suicide but fails due to his immense durability. The inclusion of suicide as a recurring theme may be considered sensitive and too dark for some readers.
  9. The Whole Cake Island Arc: This arc explores themes of child abuse, including the mistreatment of Sanji by his family. It also involves the concept of forced marriages and manipulation of emotions.
  10. Violence and Battle Scenes: While battles and violence are common in shonen manga, “One Piece” has its fair share of intense and graphic fight scenes. Some readers may find certain instances of violence to be too extreme or excessively gory.

It’s important to note that the perception of going “too far” can vary among individuals, and what may be uncomfortable for some readers could be seen as an essential part of the storytelling for others. The series often balances these darker elements with its trademark humor and themes of friendship and resilience.